
publications in reversed chronological order.


  1. intechopen.png
    Current technologies for measuring or predicting telomere length from genomic datasets
    Ting Zhai, and Zachary D. Nagel


  1. jes_CR.png
    Annual space weather fluctuations and telomere length in the Normative Aging Study
    Ting Zhai, Carolina L. Zilli Vieira, Pantel Vokonas, Andrea A. Baccarelli, Zachary D. Nagel, Joel Schwartz, and Petros Koutrakis
    Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology, 2023


  1. ajog_fig1.jpg
    Early natural menopause is associated with poor lung health and increased mortality among female smokers
    Ting Zhai, Brenda Diergaarde, David O. Wilson, Huining Kang, Akshay Sood, Samuel H. Bayliss, Jian-Min Yuan, Maria A. Picchi, Qing Lan, Steven A. Belinsky, Jill M. Siegfried, Linda S. Cook, and Shuguang Leng
    American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, 2022
  2. cam_fig2.jpg
    Spirometry at Diagnosis and Overall Survival in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients
    Ting Zhai, Yi Li, Robert Brown, Michael Lanuti, Justin F. Gainor, and David C. Christiani
    Cancer Medicine, 2022
  3. resp_fig1.png
    Wood smoke exposure affects lung aging, quality of life, and all-cause mortality in New Mexican smokers
    Shuguang Leng, Maria A. Picchi, Paula M. Meek, Menghui Jiang, Samuel H. Bayliss, Ting Zhai, Ruslan I. Bayliyev, Yohannes Tesfaigzi, Matthew J. Campen, Huining Kang, Yiliang Zhu, Qing Lan, Akshay Sood, and Steven A. Belinsky
    Respiratory Research, 2022


  1. obs_fig1.png
    Changes in Bone Metabolism After Sleeve Gastrectomy Versus Gastric Bypass: a Meta-Analysis
    Zhao Tian, XinTong Fan, ShiZhen Li, Ting Zhai, and Jing Dong
    Obesity Surgery, 2020


  1. fendo_fig6.jpg
    Ghrelin receptor is required for the effects of nesfatin-1 on glucose metabolism
    Xin-Tong Fan, Zhao Tian, Shi-Zhen Li, Ting Zhai, Jun-Li Liu, Rui Wang, Cai-Shun Zhang, Liu-Xin Wang, Jun-Hua Yuan, Yu Zhou, and Jing Dong
    Frontiers in Endocrinology (Lausanne), 2018
    Co-first authorship
  2. nutrients.png
    Potential Micronutrients and Phytochemicals against Pathogenesis of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Lung Cancer
    Ting Zhai, Shizhen Li, Wei Hu, Duo Li, and Shuguang Leng
    Nutrients, 2018


  1. jdr_fig1.jpg
    Circulating Nesfatin-1 Levels and Type 2 Diabetes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
    Ting Zhai, Shizhen Li, XinTong Fan, Zhao Tian, XiaoQing Lu, and Jing Dong
    Journal of Diabetes Research, 2017